Strong odorless water-based glue ECHO PU-277
How to use ECHO PU-277, a strong odorless water-based glue for bottom application
When using, mix the amount that can be used up at one time.
1) Buff the adhesive surface of the rubber sole to make the adhesive stick better.
2) Prime the rubber sole and let it dry completely.
(Currently, we do not handle primers.)
3) Take out the amount of ECHO PU 277 that can be used up at one time.
4) Add ECO AKTIV19 ( crosslinker) in an amount of 5% of ECHO PU 277 and mix carefully. (Use the mixed solution within 2 hours.)
(Although it can be used without mixing AKTIV19 ( crosslinking agent), if you want high durability in harsh environments, mixing AKTIV19 (crosslinking agent) is more suitable. )
5) Apply the mixture to both surfaces and allow it to dry completely. (The waiting time is 30-60 minutes, depending on the humidity.) You can shorten the time by heating at 38-40°C. After drying, both surfaces form a clear, self-adhesive film. Please do the next work within 1 hour after drying.
6) Reactivate at a temperature of about 50-55°C (adhesive film temperature) with an infrared lamp.
7) Immediately put the two sides together and press evenly with a hydraulic or air cushion press until the adhesive is hardened.
After 3 days it's fully adhered.
・Mix the amount of cross-linking agent ECO AKTIV19 that can be used up at once. ( Mixtures of ECHO PU 277 and crosslinker ECO AKTIV19 cannot be made in advance)
・Do not use for purposes other than manufacturing or repairing leather products such as shoes and bags.
・Keep out of reach of infants.
・Be careful not to get this in your eyes.
・Be careful not to touch the skin.